Mobile Yoga App Lands RMB 8-Digit Angel Funding
36Kr, 4/24/14
Xi'an-based Yule Software, developer of mobile yoga app Daily Yoga ("Meiri Yujia"), has announced that the company has received a RMB 8-digit angel investment from Beijing-based online game developer and operator Jingji Shijie. Daily Yoga plans to use the funding to provide online yoga training, custom yoga courses, online-to-offline (O2O) services, and location-based services through the Daily Yoga app, as well as allow users to search for nearby yoga centers.
Daily Yoga was launched in July 2012, and currently has Android, iOS and Windows Phone versions. As of April, the app boasted a user base of 10 mln, of which 40% were based outside of China. Daily Yoga has broken even using its content subscription model, with the international version of the app charging members USD 5 per month and USD 35 per year. The Chinese version of the app has instituted a one-time fee model.
Keywords: mobile healthcare Yule Software Daily Yoga Jingji Shijie funding users wireless business model