China Unicom, ZTE Announce New Data Card
Netease Tech, 2/16/12
Unicom Huasheng Telecommunications, the handset and telecommunications equipment sales subsidiary of China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH), recently partnered with telecom equipment and terminal manufacturer ZTE (0763.HK; 000063.SZ) to announce a new "smart accelerator" data card using built-in compression software to decrease load time and save on downstream bandwidth costs by first compressing web content on remote servers, then delivering the compressed content to the terminal, decreasing data packet flow by 30% to 50%. The accelerated browsing service requires dedicated servers for compression, each of which can support up to 1,100 concurrent users. More than 2,000 internet service providers in more than 50 countries around the world use the acceleration technology. The data card is available in China only through trial sales, and Unicom Huasheng has not yet determined when it will make the cards available through all of its channels.
Keywords: China Unicom wireless 000063.SZ 0763.HK data card Unicom Huasheng 0762.HK 600050.SH CHU