Rumor: Kaixin001 Raises Game Revenue Share
Tencent Tech, 12/07/11
An industry source reported today that Chinese SNS Kaixin001 has greatly increased the proportion of revenues that it shares with third-party game developers.
The site had previously split revenues 50/50 with browser game developers. Under the new policy, smaller developers (defined as developers with less than RMB 50,000 in monthly revenues) will receive all revenues from their games, while larger developers (RMB 50,000-100,000 in monthly revenues) will receive inducements at varying levels depending on revenues. For developers generating RMB 500,000 or more in monthly revenues, Kaixin001 will offer a 60/40 split, with 60% of revenues going to the developer.
An industry insider said that Kaixin001's new policy was aimed not only at game developers, but at all third-party developers.
Keywords: browser game Internet Kaixin001 revenue SNS revenue share online gaming social game