Sohu Video Pursues Cross-Platform Viewing, Smart Search
ChinaByte, 9/23/11
Chinese Internet firm Sohu's (Nasdaq: SOHU) online video subsidiary, Sohu Video, today announced two new product strategies, "Cloud Tracking" and "Focus & Click," aimed at improving users viewing experience.
Cloud Tracking will enable users to watch favorited and previously-viewed videos across different platforms and in different regions, and will support various web and software clients, mobile operating systems, and tablet clients, and could add support for televisions in the future.
Focus & Click will involve upgrades and optimizations to Sohu Video's search engine that will allow it to track users' viewing habits and recommend videos. The new search engine will provide upgraded predictive text input based on users' search histories, and will add search pop-ups whenever users search for celebrity names, television serials, or films.
Keywords: online advertising Internet online video Sohu strategy online search