Rumor: Alibaba to Release Smartphone in July
Tencent Tech, 7/18/11
Tencent Tech has obtained alleged images of Chinese e-commerce conglomerate Alibaba Group's Aliyun smartphone as well as rumors from an industry source that the phone will be unveiled at the end of July and go on sale nationwide in August. The handset is an Alibaba-branded K-Touch W700 from handset vendor Beijing Tianyu Communication with a Tegra2 chipset provided by Nvidia, and will retail for between RMB 2,800 and RMB 3,000 according to the source. The handset will feature a non-Android mobile OS developed by Alibaba that is compatible with Android mobile applications.
The handset will come equipped with cloud-based mobile search and storage, as well as mobile applications such as Alitalk and AliBrowser. The phone will facilitate 500 GB of storage and features a customized "cloud" button.
Editor's Note: For more background on this topic, please see "Rumor: AliCloud to Launch Mobile OS in Q3 2011" MD 7/04/11 issue.
Keywords: m-commerce K-Touch W700 pricing handset smartphone wireless NVIDIA Alitalk Tianyu AliCloud Alibaba Group AliBrowser mobile application enterprise-branded handset