Mbaobao Launches Handbag B2C in Japan
TechWeb, 7/18/11
Chinese handbag B2C e-commerce firm Mbaobao and US VC firm DCM jointly launched a Japanese language handbag B2C website,, on July 18.
Mbaobao and DCM established a Japanese joint venture in October 2010, and launched the new site after more than six months investigating market conditions, constructing the website, selecting goods, and building the backend platform. offers 3,000 different handbags, adding 200 new products each week. Brands, selection, pricing, and the e-commerce platform are identical to the Chinese language site The company plans to build a warehouse in Japan by 2012.
Keywords: overseas e-commerce Internet Japan B2C VC Mbaobao apparel Doll Capital Management JV