Hitachi China Shifts to OEM Production Model
Netease Tech, 6/01/11
Japanese consumer electronics and home appliance manufacturer Hitachi has responded to media reports of the company's return to China's tablet computer and television market, stating the reports are not entirely accurate. Hitachi explained that Hitachi China had dropped its previous strategy of in-house R&D, production and marketing this year in exchange for an OEM business model which uses Hitachi technology in production. The new strategy also relies on an independent sales model, limited to specific regions and sales channels. Hitachi currently carries five new LCD TV set models in China's eastern and southern markets.
Hitachi China declined to reveal any further details regarding its new business model focused on limited sales regions and channels. The company said that while large supermarkets may still carry older models, new products will not be made available through those channels.
Keywords: hardware distribution computer consumer electronics strategy television TV set business model Hitachi LCD OEM tablet contract manufacturer