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Oak Pacific to Merge Renren, Kaixin

Tencent Tech, 9/21/10

Beijing-based holding company Oak Pacific Interactive has begun the process of combining its two major SNS sites, and Renren and Kaixin implemented interoperability a year ago.

Public materials available from Oak Pacific indicate that Renren and Kaixin each have their own strengths. Renren is focused more on communication between users, while Kaixin focuses more on entertainment and recreation.

A source inside Oak Pacific said that after the sites are combined, Kaixin users' personal data, friend lists, game scores, mobile account login, and other data will be brought over to, as will all applications.

Editor's Note: For more background on this topic, please see "Oak Pacific to Merge Renren, Kaixin Accounts" MD 9/17/10 issue.

Keywords: Internet Kaixin SNS Oak Pacific Renren


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