MoC Reveals Details of Online Gaming Real Name System, 7/30/10
On July 30, China's Ministry of Culture (MoC) issued a notice concerning the "Interim Regulations for Online Game Management" that took effect August 1, as well as releasing its "Provisions Regarding Online Game Service Standards." The provisions apply to online game operators and online game users.
Users are required to submit complete, effective and accurate proof of identity, and operators have the right to inspect those credentials. Operators should take reasonable technological and managerial measures to ensure user accounts are secure and valid.
Users have a responsibility to safeguard and appropriately use their account and password. If the user's rights are infringed upon due to the loss or theft of the user's account number and password which occurred as a result of a failure by either party to meet their responsibilities, that party will be held legally liable.
Users have legal rights and responsibilities for their activity when logged into the game. Should the user discover that their account has been used illegally by other parties or that there are any other irregularities, the user must report the incident in a timely fashion to the operator through channels provided and publicly announced by the operator, and may request the operator temporarily suspend access to the account.
Should the operator not suspend the account within a reasonable period of time, causing the user injury, the company will be held legally liable.
The operator is required to provide the user with a clear and easily understood explanation of its privacy and personal information-use policies prior to requesting personal identity credentials, and adopt suitable measures to safeguard the user's personal information.
Operators are prohibited from providing, publicly disclosing or sharing the user's personal information, which includes their name, contact information and address, with any third parties.
Editor's Note: For more background on this topic, please see "China's MoC Releases Gaming Regulations, Effective August" MD 6/22/10 issue.
Keywords: online gaming Internet Ministry of Culture real name system law regulation