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Taobao Vendors Offer 24-Hour Delivery

Beijing Business Today, 7/30/10

Chinese B2C and C2C e-commerce site Taobao has announced that online vendors will improve order delivery time under a new pledge to ship goods within 24 hours of payment. Under Taobao's terms of service, this is referred to as "Lightning Shipping." In addition to the existing requirement to provide phone recharge cards and other virtual items within one hour of payment, vendors of physical items will now be required to increase the speed of their shipping and delivery services. If vendors taking part in Lightning Shipping fail to ship products within 24 hours, or if shipping information cannot be found on the platform within 24 hours of shipping, buyers can seek compensation within a 14-day window. If sellers renege on their commitment to ship, consumers can apply to Taobao to seek compensation.

Keywords: e-commerce Taobao Internet B2C C2C logistics


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