Hanvon: E-Readers May Be Free in 5 Years
Beijing Times, 5/12/10
Responding to recent comments by China's General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) that high prices for e-reader devices alienate some customers, chairman Liu Yingjian of e-reader device maker Hanvon (002362.SZ) said yesterday that, while in the short term, only e-reader content could realistically be made available for free, e-reader devices could be made freely available within five years, provided a large-scale increase in the value of digital content. Liu added that if the price of digital books were one-third of the price of physical books, revenues would be sufficient to "balance out" between rights holders, operators, and e-reader manufacturers.
Keywords: forecast Liu Yingjian hardware GAPP Hanvon 002362.SZ e-book pricing