China Unicom to Launch 3G Smartphone with Wi-Fi, WAPI
Netease Tech, 3/04/10
China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH) will reportedly release its first fully Internet-capable 3G handset this month. The Android 2.0-powered operator-customized smartphone will support WCDMA, Wi-Fi and WAPI.
China Unicom will officially release a line of fully Internet-ready 3G handsets starting next week, with the release of the Motorola XT701.
This handset has already received a network access permit from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). According to the latest data from China Unicom, as of January 31, China Unicom had 3.595 mln 3G users, with growth of 3G users surpassing that of 2G users for the past 3 consecutive months.
Keywords: operator-customized handset mobile subscribers China Unicom handset smartphone Internet Motorola wireless network access permit Android WAPI Wi-Fi MIIT 3G WCDMA 0762.HK 600050.SH CHU Motorola XT701 mobile OS wireless networking