Taobao to Launch Customized Handset
SohuIT, 11/23/09
Representatives of Chinese C2C and B2C website Taobao have confirmed that the company will launch a Taobao-branded handset on December 8. The phone is the result of a partnership with China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH). The phone will fully integrate mobile applications for Taobao, online payment platform AliPay, and instant messenger platform AliTalk.
Another industry source has said that Taobao is in official talks with China Telecom (NYSE: CHA; 0728.HK), and hopes to receive increased call credit subsidies and revenue sharing. The two parties are expected to sign an agreement soon.
Editor's Note: China Unicom confirmed the handset exists and will be an operator-customized Lenovo Mobile i61. Industry sources also gave unconfirmed reports that the handset will be released on December 12, operate on MediaTek's MTK mobile OS, and come pre-installed with UCWeb's mobile browser as well as Taobao, AliPay and AliTalk. The handset is also reportedly capable of scanning barcodes and searching for the scanned product on Taobao.
Keywords: wireless mobile IM mobile payment Lenovo i61 2D barcode m-commerce mobile Internet China Telecom China Unicom Taobao handset Internet Lenovo Mobile Alipay B2C C2C Alitalk mobile browser UCWEB pre-installed 0728.HK 0762.HK 600050.SH CHA CHU e-commerce subsidy e-payment operator-customized handset revenue share mobile application