Rumor: PPLive Obtains USD 15 Mln in Funding
TechWeb, 11/05/09
According to reliable industry sources, Chinese P2P online video company PPLive has recently completed a new round of funding, obtaining approximately USD 15 mln. Investors in this round include SAIF Partners, BlueRun Ventures, and DFJ DragonFund China. According to a previously published offering document, this round of funding will be used primarily to purchase content, develop new products, expand services, invest in bandwidth, and fund potential mergers and acquisitions.
PPLive CEO Vincent Tao has denied this rumor, and said that PPLive is still looking for investment.
Editor's Note: A representative of DFJ DragonFund China did not deny the rumor, but said that DFJ is currently considering investing in PPLive, and that the sum would be in the tens of millions of USD if the VC firm decided to invest.
Keywords: Vincent Tao Internet funding investment online video PPLive BlueRun P2P SAIF DFJ DragonFund