Septwolves to Increase E-commerce Channel Development
Marbridge Consulting, 4/03/09
At the "2009 China Apparel E-commerce Summit" held in Beijing on March 31, Jerry Hu, Manager of New Channel Development for Fujian-based apparel maker Septwolves, said that the company established its New Channel Development department at the end of 2008, and believes 2009 will be an important year for more aggressive development of e-commerce channels. During the past 2-plus years, Septwolves has established only one store on e-commerce site Taobao. Over the next 3-5 years, the company plans to transform itself into an integrated e-commerce and traditional marketing company.
Septwolves has been cooperating with Taobao to close down approximately 30 online stores each month which make unauthorized use of Septwolves's brand or company name.
Keywords: Septwolves Jerry Hu strategy piracy IPR infringement apparel e-commerce Internet Taobao