Changhong Pays TV Subsidy in Rural Promotion Program
China Business News, 11/19/08
Chinese consumer electronics firm Changhong (600839.SH) has announced that effective immediately the company will take the lead in launching a national promotion similar to a current government program to subsidize flat screen televisions and consumer electronics in rural areas. Any customer who provides proof of rural residence (an ID card or residence booklet) when purchasing any Changhong flat screen television model that is currently being considered in bidding for the government subsidies, will receive a 13% discount off the retail price.
Su Zihuan, GM of Changhong Multimedia Marketing, stated that Changhong is introducing this promotion to obtain first-mover advantages in the rural flat screen market.
Editor's Note: In a number of provinces around China, the Chinese government is planning to subsidize the retail price of consumer electronics by 13% in rural areas. Only certain models and goods will be eligible for the subsidies, and consumer electronics manufacturers have currently submitted bids to have their products included in the promotion. The results of the bidding process have not yet been announced.
Keywords: government initiative government subsidy Su Zihuan 600839.SH Changhong consumer electronics retail rural subsidy television flat-screen marketing