Xunlei, YeePay Ally on Gaming Payments
Xinhua PRNewswire, 8/21/08
Chinese download tool developer and game platform operator Xunlei has formed an agreement with third-party payment provider Yeepay, under which Yeepay will provide online- and mobile payment services for Xunlei's online gaming platform. Game players will be able to add credit to dozens of games on the platform, including Eudemons Online and Xiayi Dao, using prepaid Shenzhouxing mobile phone cards.
Editor's Note: On August 18, Chinese game developer and operator The9 (Nasdaq: NCTY) also formed an agreement with Yeepay to provide similar mobile payment services for World of Warcraft.
Keywords: Xiayi Dao Eudemons Internet mobile payment NCTY Shenzhouxing The9 third-party payment Xunlei Yeepay e-payment online gaming WoW