Netcom to Keep PHS Handset Service
The Beijing News, 8/04/08
Beijing Netcom VP Wang Chuanbao said yesterday that following its merger with China Unicom (NYSE: CHU; 0762.HK; 600050.SH), China Netcom (NYSE: CN; 0906.HK) will not abandon its “Little Smart” PHS service. Beijing Netcom continues to optimize its Little Smart network, which now provides wireless internet access at speeds reaching 128 K. There are more than 800,000 PHS users in Beijing, and more than 30,000 PHS base stations.
Keywords: Wang Chuanbao restructuring 0762.HK 0906.HK 600050.SH Beijing Netcom China Netcom China Unicom CHU CN PHS wireless base station PHS subscribers telecom wireless networking