CNZZ: Qihoo 360 1-day Search Traffic Share Exceeds 30%
CNZZ, 8/22/14
On August 21, Chinese internet services and security software provider Qihoo 360's (NYSE: QIHU) search traffic share reached 30.2% and 30.32% of the total market's page views (PV) and unique visits (UV), respectively, according to Alibaba Group's third-party web analytics subsidiary CNZZ. Rival Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU) led the market with 54.52% and 51.74% of PVs and UVs, respectively, while Sohu's (Nasdaq: SOHU) online search subsidiary Sogou took 12.8% and 14.56% PV and UV shares, respectively, for the day. Google captured 0.23% and 0.32% of PVs and UVs, respectively.
Keywords: Internet online search Baidu Sogou Google Sohu BIDU Qihoo 360 Alibaba Group QIHU market share Internet traffic national statistics