Chinese Mobile Health & Fitness Industry Matrix - Q1 2018

China's mobile healthcare market continued to gain momentum in Q1 2018, supported by China's overall boom in healthcare spending, steady increase in mobile internet adoption, government policy calling for informatization of the healthcare system, and advances in new technologies like artificial intelligence.
Healthcare spending in China has increased dramatically, driven by the rapid aging of the population, the Chinese government's aggressive expansion of universal insurance coverage, the contribution of heavy water and air pollution issues to higher incidence of chronic ailments like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and rising average incomes and changing lifestyles, with Chinese consumers now attaching increasing importance to health and fitness. China's healthcare market spending reached approximately RMB 4.9 trln (USD 777 bln) in 2017, according to the China Health Management Association, and the government, as part of its Healthy China 2030 strategy for improving local healthcare infrastructure, has set a target market size of RMB 16 trln (USD 2.54 trln) by 2030.
At the same time, rapidly increasing mobile internet penetration, broader deployment and uptake of 4G mobile services, and new developments in smart hardware and big data technology has created a variety of opportunities for the development and uptake of mobile health and fitness platforms. With the number of mobile internet users in China reaching 753 mln by the end of 2017, traditional industries like healthcare have increasingly embraced the mobile internet as a means of improving efficiency, cutting costs, and providing more targeted, customized services. China's policy makers, as part of their Internet Plus program, have also identified the healthcare sector as one of several key conventional industries targeted for accelerated development through the application of the internet and other information technologies.
As technological, regulatory, economic, and social factors have aligned over the past several years to create attractive opportunities in the development of mobile healthcare and fitness platforms, investment in the sector by venture capital firms, major internet companies, and traditional healthcare and insurance providers has ramped quickly. Many startups in the field have already achieved Series C funding or better, and leading internet and mobile services firms like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have been active both in launching mobile healthcare platforms of their own and investing in mobile healthcare and fitness startups.
To help investors and health industry enterprises identify opportunities among China's quickly growing number of mobile health and fitness apps, platforms, and smart hardware developers, Marbridge has researched and formulated the Chinese Mobile Health and Fitness Industry Matrix. The Q1 2018 edition of the Matrix provides details, in Excel (read-only) format, on:
Mobile Health & Fitness App Developers (280)
- Listing Status (public, to list, private)
- Location (city in which operator/developer is headquartered)
- Company Business Scope
- Company Homepage URL
- Platform Overview
- Platform Description
- Platform Access Points (mobile app, WeChat official account, mobile website)
- User Base
- Downloads
- Funding Information
Mobile Health & Fitness Smart Hardware Developers (60)
- Listing Status (public, to list, private)
- Location (city in which operator/developer is headquartered)
- Company Business Scope
- Company Homepage URL
- Product Overview
- Product Description
- Funding Information
The Q1 2018 Chinese Mobile Health & Fitness Industry Matrix also features a section detailing relevant regulatory issues in China's online and mobile healthcare industry, including explanations of grey areas and methods some service providers are employing to circumvent regulations.
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