WeChat Marketing Company Weiba Acquires Rival
iResearch, 7/05/14
In late June, Hangzhou-based mobile marketing solutions provider Weiba Information Technology acquired rival mobile ad solutions provider Dingyue Electronic Technology. Both companies provide enterprise marketing services on Tencent's (0700.HK) WeChat mobile messaging app.
As per the agreement, Dingyue's "Weixin Cailutong" WeChat-based marketing solution will be merged with Weiba's own "Weixin Shengyibao" WeChat solution. Dingyue has already changed its online company description to the "Guangzhou office of Weixin Shengyibao." The deal marks the first known merger in the domestic WeChat-focused third-party marketing sector.
Weiba initiated its acquisition program in early 2014, with plans to purchase and merge with multiple domestic small- and medium-sized WeChat-focused third-party marketing services firms.
Editor's Note: For a detailed analysis of WeChat's monetization strategy, please consider purchasing Marbridge's recently released 2014 Chinese Mobile Instant Messaging Market Report.
Keywords: Weiba Information Dingyue wireless Tencent 0700.HK WeChat M&A mobile advertising mobile IM