China to Release E-Commerce Certification Regulations
Chinabyte, 9/29/10
The Regulations on E-Commerce Certification, drafted by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce's (MOFCOM) China International Electronic Commerce Center (CIECC), has now entered the fifth round of revisions prior to a late-August release and promulgation. MOFCOM is expected to certify two groups of e-commerce websites by the end of this year.
Companies seeking certification must first submit their applications and supporting materials to the CIECC's certification platform, which will create a file on the company for subsequent review.
The results of the certification, under the new Regulations, will be comprised of a company's credit rating and credit amount. The credit rating is determined by several traits of the company seeking certification, including its scale, service ability, and credit record. The credit amount is determined by the state of the company's assets.
Keywords: credit rating e-commerce Internet Ministry of Commerce CIECC regulation